Sunday, November 25, 2012

More about visiting SLO

For the record, I sent Mr. Crawford a card a week ago Saturday to let him know that I was planning to visit last Tuesday. The purpose for my visit was to consult with Mr. Crawford on the subject of a smartphone application for the taxi business, and various other internet-related ideas.

I drove from Santa Monica to San Luis Obispo [SLO] on Tuesday. First I stopped at the Grover Beach police station. I told the staffer that I was wondering about our friend who we'd heard was in SLO County Jail. She did look up MDC's name in her computer system, and said she couldn't say anything "because of the nature of the case". Whatever that meant. But she did tell me how to get to the courthouse in SLO, and said the Public Defender's office was right across the street.

The public defender's office was up a flight of stairs, and behind a door that did NOT say 'public defender'. They told me who MDC's public defender was, and mentioned something innocuous enough, which was probably public information anyways. But I don't want to get anyone in trouble, so I have decided that there is no need to share what specifically was mentioned.

The public defender did tell me that their office accepts collect calls from the inmates. This was something I was going to mention to MDC, but it slipped my mind. I thought I was going to have to write him another letter, but apparently his case has been dropped without charges.

I am still quite amazed that they let him out the day after I visited.

The post office was visited while I was out taxi driving, and was in the back of a Hallmark shop. I bought a $0.99 card with rainbows, glitter, and a few words about 'happy thoughts' - it was either that card or the one with the smiley face, and the glitter was the deciding factor. Since I only mailed it two business days before my visit, I doubt he received it. If it is returned to me I'll scan it for you all.

Poll ------>
Did they only let MDC out of Jail because TCJ went to visit?

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